主讲人:Tri Vi Dang博士(哥伦比亚大学经济学系)
Academic Positions
01/13- present : Lecturer
in Discipline, Department of Economics, Columbia University
09/10-12/12: Adjunct Associate
Professor, Department of Economics, Columbia University
09/08-08/10: Visiting Assistant
Professor, Department of Economics and Cowles Foundation, Yale University
10/05-08/08: Habilitand
(Assistant Professor), Department of Economics and member of the SFB 504 and the Center for Finance, University of Mannheim
Working Papers
Information Acquisition, Noise Trading and Speculation in Double Auction Markets
Information Disclosure, Intertemporal Risk Sharing, and Stock Prices (with. H. Hakenes)
Ignorance, Debt and Financial Crises (with G. Gorton and B. Holmström)
Haircuts and Repo Chains (with G. Gorton and B.Holmström)
The Information Sensitivity of a Security (with G. Gorton and B. Holmström)
Banks as Secret Keepers (with G. Gorton, B. Holmström and G. Ordonez)
Market Sentiment, Innovations and Stock Returns (with Z.Xu)
Teaching Experience
Columbia University
Corporate Finance, undergraduate lecture course (Fall 2010 - 2014, Spring
2013, 2014)
Private Equity and Hedge Fund Investing, senior seminar course (Spring
2013, 2014, Fall 2013, 2014)
Private Equity Investing, senior seminar course, co-taught with J. Quigley
(Spring 2011, 2012)
Yale University
Corporate Finance, senior seminar course (Spring 2009, 2010, Fall 2012)
Topics in Financial Intermediation, PhD course, co-taught with G. Gorton
(Spring 2010)